Wenn die Langeweile kommt ...

      Das nenne ich mal ein MMO!

      Gildenburgen, Spielerhäuser, Belagerungen, vernünftige Performance und eine persistente (nicht instanzierte) Welt. Wenig verblüffend, dass solch ein Spiel aus Korea stammt und im Westen noch kein Publisher gefunden hat!


      Belagerungswaffen kann man auch im PvE gegen Weltbosse einsetzen!


      Gruß Sila.
      Neue Videos zu ArcheAge!

      Schatzsuche unter Wasser:


      Belagerungsschlacht in der Closed Beta:




      Weitere Informationen:

      Currently there are three continents available, one of which can be conquered by players. On that wild continent groups of players can establish towns/castles and attack (siege) their enemy’s homesteads. The remaining two continents seem to be at war with each other, setting the stage for more destruction.

      ArcheAge’s world is seamless (no loading screens) and you can travel between continents with the help of your very own boat!

      Gruß Sila.

      Athmos schrieb:

      also jetzt ArcheAge und nicht mehr guildWars 2?

      Mike Ferguson on Guild Wars 2 World vs. World

      We have amazing PvE gameplay and intense competitive PvP in Guild Wars 2, but we also offer huge, open-field, server-versus-server warfare the likes of which you’ve never seen. We call it world vs. world or WvW.

      Hello, everyone, I’m Mike Ferguson, one of the systems designers here at ArenaNet. I’m here to tell you about one of the most eagerly anticipated aspects of Guild Wars 2: world vs. world! This is a huge game type, and there’s a lot to talk about, so get comfy!

      Warfare on a Grand Scale

      From the earliest days of development, we knew that we wanted to include some form of large-scale PvP combat in Guild Wars 2, but how would it work? We knew right away that we wanted three teams fighting against one another on a series of huge maps in the Mists (our world vs. world battleground) and that each team would be composed of an entire server full of players. Including three forces in world vs. world acts as an excellent balancing factor, preventing one team from growing too powerful and ruining the competitive balance of the game. Two teams can gang up to counter a more dominant third team, a dynamic that simply isn’t possible with only two opposing factions.

      We dreamed of a game where players could work together to capture objectives on the battlefield, like keeps and towers, claiming them for their guilds, then fortifications before defending them against hordes of attackers. With players from three different servers fighting each other, we knew that we would need a lot of different areas for them to fight over, and we wanted to have plenty of locations for guilds of all sizes to claim as their own. With this in mind, we created a number of different objectives that are designed to be captured and contested by large groups, small groups, or even just a few players.

      To provide enough area to hold all these objectives and a wide variety of terrain, we needed to make some absolutely gigantic maps—four of them.

      Den kompletten Artikel zum WvWvW gibt es hier:

      Gruß Sila.
      Zeitschriften und Webseiten durften an der Closed Beta von Guild Wars 2 teilnehmen und berichten!

      So overall, I was beyond impressed with Guild Wars 2. I didn't even scratch the surface of what's available, but I'm very excited with how this game presents itself at this point. Come launch, I do believe Guild Wars 2 will rock the MMO world with a much-needed dose of what an MMO should be at this point in 2012. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the MMO you've all been waiting for!


      As someone who loves rolling as many alternate characters as my sanity can handle, I love the Guild Wars 2 story system. Character creation includes several customizable choices: Human social class, Charr legion, past life events, personality style, and many more. Some of them are profession-specific, most of them are race-specific, and all of them have an impact, to one extent or another, on that character's path through the game. The Charr Iron Legion story is substantively different than the Ash Legion story, and the story of a Charr whose father was a sorcerous shaman is different than that of someone whose father was a loyal soldier. Story choices actually matter. Yes, you're eventually going to hit major plot points (for example, storylines converge around dungeons) and you'll end up in the same place eventually (I mean, who would want to avoid fighting a dragon?), but you take wonderfully different paths to get there. There are real, significant choices that you can make, and they result in a unique, engaging story line.

      Quelle: massively.joystiq.com/2012/02/…-closed-beta-impressions/

      Gruß Sila.
      Guild Wars 2 wird ein großartiges Gesamtpaket. Der erste Teil war vor allem für sein faires, schnelles und spannendes PvP berühmt – darauf verzichtet auch Teil 2 nicht. Doch er erweitert dies noch zusätzlich um ein gigantisches offenes PvP, das stark an den Klassiker Dark Age of Camelot erinnert – was von vielen Spieler heute noch als eins der besten PvP-Spiele überhaupt angesehen wird. Doch auch im PvE-Sektor geht Arenanet eifrig zu Werke. Vieles, was in anderen MMORPGs nervt, wird konsequent gestrichen. Das Konzept ohne klassische Quests und ohne Raids, und vor allem ohne Tank&Heiler-Zwang geht voll auf – man konzentriert sich aufs Spiel, nicht auf die Organisation davon. Ein paar Tränen müssen sich Reittier-Sammler wegwischen, denn Pferd und Co gibt es noch nicht in Tyria. Auch wer gerne instanzierte Raid-Abenteuer in Großgruppen bestreitet, wird nicht fündig – allenfalls die großen Events erinnern an Weltbosse.

      Auch auf die Item-Spirale verzichtet man bei Arenanet – ab Stufe 80 "farmt" man nicht nach stärkerer Ausrüstung sondern nach schönerer. Die wenigen Stunden in Guild Wars 2 haben mich vollkommen begeistert, es ist ein modernes Online-Rollenspiel, dem man überall anmerkt, dass es von erfahrenen MMO-Spielern gemacht wurde. Und das Beste wie immer zum Schluss: Guild Wars 2 wird keine Monatsgebühr verlangen, Ihr zahlt einmal den Kaufpreis und könnt unbegrenzt zocken. Hoffentlich bald!

      Quelle: buffed

      Gameplay-Video zum Mesmer:


      Gruß Sila.
      Ganz interessantes Feature zum WvWvW in Guild Wars 2:

      There's been a lot of discussion about seeing enemy names in WvW. While I certainly understand the reasoning behind the request to see enemy names, we are fairly firm about not showing names of the opposing teams. I think of it this way, in a war people dont introduce themselves before trying to kill each other. When you are fighting in the mists for your world, you are in the middle of a giant war against two opposing forces who want nothing more than to take everything you own and kill you as many times as they possibly can. That guy who just shot you is not Bob the Engineer, he's the enemy.

      Not showing enemy names in WvW also helps players that are less pvp-oriented feel less threatened about venturing into the battle because seeing enemies as anonymous 'invaders' creates a sense that opponents won't be able to recognize them and pick on them because of their lack of skill in a fight, so they in turn feel more embolded to go out and fight in the first place. Not showing names also makes it so people can feel as if they can 'hide' in a fight if need be, but still be around to help out. That's a pretty critical part of making WvW feel more inviting for people that would normally never think about playing PvP in any other game.

      We've heard "I usually dont PvP, but I love WvW" again and again from people in our beta, so even though showing names might make for a more competitive pvp environment, we'd much rather create a game that is more welcoming for people that don't normally play the more hardcore PvP games. If you want to see enemy names and get to know the community of people you are fighting against, competitive PvP is the place to get that sort of thing in Guild Wars 2. WvW is the place where you fight with your friends and show your might against a faceless never-ending horde of enemies. It's not about taking names, it's about taking back that tower and claiming it for your guild so it can wave your flag right in the enemies face!

      Gruß Sila.
      Ein langes in zwei Teile geteiltes Video, das das WvW in Guild Wars 2 ausführlich erklärt.



      Gruß Sila.

      Ich bin gerade etwas geflasht vom Potential, das hinter dieser Technik steckt.
      Ein Engine, die ganze planeten rendern kann und zwar schon ziemlich hübsch.
      Hier gibt es einige Videos von der Welt.


      Daraus soll am Ende das Sandbox-Game Anteworld werden, in dem man als menschlicher Raumfahrer auf die Erde zurückkehrt und bemerkt, dass die gesamte Zivilisation verschwunden ist. Dann darf man natürlich versuchen sie wieder aufzubauen und herauszufinden, was passiert ist. Die Welten sollen sich wohl irgendwie abgleichen lassen, so dass du neben dem was du selbst erschaffst auch auf die Arbeit von anderen Spielern in deiner Welt stößt.

      is a world-building game on a massive true-to-life scale of our planet.
      Returning aboard an interstellar colonizer ship built in the Golden Age
      of Mankind, players arrive on the planet earth to discover civilization
      and humanity vanished. They will have to rebuild the civilization -
      exploring, fighting, and competing for resources while searching for
      clues to the disappearance of humanity.

      The game will contain
      several modes, the basic one will be a single-player game but with
      player-built locations being synchronized and replicated between
      clients. That means player can settle in a free location of his choice
      where he can build and play, and when he goes exploring he'll be able to
      observe and visit other sites where other players are building their

      There's going to be also a multiplayer mode for gaming in the existing world.

      Sim-connect mode should allow to use Anteworld as an image generator for another simulation program.

      fact, Anteworld is meant to create the basis for an Outerra game/sim
      platform, allowing to create mods and new game modules that would run on
      the existing backend.

      Anscheinend gibt es seit letzter Woche eine Art Demo, die ich mir nachher sicher mal saugen werde:


      PS: Wie bette ich denn hier Youtube ein?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Baerdahl“ ()

      Nachdem genug Leute schon bei Dragon Age: Origins Geld für die DLCs gelassen haben, ist diese Entwicklung nicht sonderlich überraschend, aber doch traurig.


      Gruß Sila.

      die asiaten spinnen doch ^^
      tera ist eines der fantasy mmos der eine realistische anatomisch korrekte berechnete brust physik hat ^^

      wer dachte wow hat wenig rüstung der kennt tera nicht ^^

      da laufen tanks in tanga und bh durch die mobs ^^