Mads schwert

      Mads schwert

      So, I got this 1 handed legendary sword ... but I'm a druid. That sucks huh? Well, not really - it was a fun and interesting process to get it :) And I do believe its a World First?

      The sword is the following, sorry about you having to copy/paste it but the forums don't like the tilde character.

      25g, not bad, which is probably where it will end up unless the GM i paged arrive and take it away from me :)

      After I got it, with the help of some nice guys called Last Resort, I was spammed with a lot of questions and I'll try to answer most of them here.

      I've heard of people doing the same as I have done, but as far as I know none have taken it so far.

      How to:

      The Lost Report
      - Dig at the "Loose Dirt" at Swamplight Manor, Swamp Eye Jarl's current residence.
      - Receive "Spy's Report".
      - Return it to Nazeer Bloodpike in Brackenwall Village.
      - Nazeer Bloodpike mentions concern over a certain spy but says nothing more.
      = Experience and Faction with Orgrimmar.

      The Severed Head
      - Return to the "Loose Dirt" and dig some more.
      - Receive "Defiant Orc Head".
      - Return it to Nazeer Bloodpike.
      = Experience and Faction with Orgimmar.

      The Troll Witchdoctor
      - Speak with Nazeer Bloodpike again.
      - Take the "Defiant Orc Head" to Kin`weelay in Grom`Gol Base Camp (Stranglethorn Vale).
      - Kin`weelay takes the head and puts it in his 'bubbling cauldron' right next to him.
      - Kin`weelay tells you to speak to the head in the cauldron.
      = Experience and Faction with Dark Spear Trolls.

      Marg Speaks
      - Consult the head in the 'bubbling cauldron'.
      - Marg wants you to kill Muckshells to get back a pendant that he stole from a human.
      - Take the pendant to Nazeer Bloodpike.
      = Experience and Faction with Orgrimmar.

      Report to Zor
      - Nazeer Bloodpike wants you to take the pendant to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar.
      - Give the pendant to Zor Lonetree, located just inside Thrall's Fortress.
      = Experience and Faction with Orgrimmar.

      Service to the Horde
      - Speak with Zor Lonetree again.
      - As thanks, choose between two ring rewards.
      = Ring, Experience, 1 gold 10 silver, and Faction with Orgrimmar.

      However, this is how it usually is, but in the last patch some item #'s was switched around and the rewards was altered. One item was the Vessel of Rebirth, a legendary item that gives you a quest called "Examine the Vessel". It's level 70 and in the Legendary category. The other was "Essence of the Fire Lord", afaik it is actually an Artifact item.

      I completed this quest line 2 patches ago, when it was known beforehand what happened with this quest line. I completed it and chose the correct ring to get the Vessel. In the following patch, Highlord Demetrian was despawned during the entire patch and I was unable to talk to him.

      Afraid that they'd take the item away, ie. fix it in the next, I kept the quest in my quest log. As guessed, they removed the item ... they however forgot to remove the quest.

      I then went and talked to Demetrian, where I had the option of summoning Thunderaan ... I tried for fun, didn't really think it would work. It did and well, druids are powerful yeah, but not against Prince Thunderaan :)

      I asked Banai, leader of the biggest hardcore PvE guild on Skullcrusher, to come and see. He had a go at it and died pretty quickly, although he is one of the best tanks on the server, if not the best. In little time 40 people were gathered to kill him and he went down. He hits hard, but doesn't sport the nastiest abilities and it was the first try ... so a bit of a zerg.

      He drops nothing, except the "Dormant Windblade" or some such. After returning the blade to Demetrian, he gave me the above sword.

      This, however, is not possible anymore due to obvious reasons. People will instead have to get the 2 x Bindings of the Wind Seeker from Molten Core, 10 Elementium Bars and Essence of the Fire Lord from Ragnaros. Nobody knows however what those Elementium Bars are ... so, good luck! At least now you know what the reward is ;)

      One sucky thing though, is that since I can't wield it I can't see the graphics. That really sucks, I bet the graphics are absolutely insane. Unless its some lame placeholder graphics of course, which is certainly a fair probability after all.

      Thanks a lot to Last Resort for helping me with this and making this, probably, a world first. At least I haven't heard of this before :)

      Below are two pictures, one with us getting ready for the fight and one after the fight.
      I'm paper. Rock is ok - but nerf scissors!

      Dendi - Heilgimp