Space Addon Bericht und Exklusiv Bilder

      Space Addon Bericht und Exklusiv Bilder

      April 20, 2004 - When we reviewed Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided last year, we gave the game high marks for the use of the license. Though the game had its shortcomings, gamers got a strong sense that they were in the world of Star Wars. But while the locations and characters and quests were authentic and convincing, there was a key piece of the puzzle missing -- spaceflight.

      Without that single element, any game based on the Star Wars franchise is incomplete, at least as far as fans are concerned. But later this year LucasArts will complete the picture with the release of a new expansion, Jump to Lightspeed. The new expansion offers players their first chance to jump into the seat of a number of different starfighters and seek their fortune in the vast, dark reaches of space.

      To find out more about this new expansion, we cornered producer Haden Blackman and forced him to answer our questions.

      IGNPC: Going from planet to planet is a pretty obvious upside. Is there any special content actually in space? What types of missions and NPCs might the player encounter?

      Haden Blackman: Actually, the focus of Jump to Lightspeed is providing players with adventures in space. When you're flying between planets, you'll encounter all sorts of enemies, ranging from Hutt pirates to TIE fighter aces (if you're a Rebel). We're creating a number of new mission types specifically for these space adventures.

      IGNPC: A lot of us have fond memories of TIE Fighter and the other space games Lucas has published. How directly has that legacy inspired (or even intimidated) you?

      Haden Blackman: It's definitely inspired everyone on the development team. We're very determined to capture the feel of the X-Wing and TIE Fighter titles. In many ways, we're looking at Jump to Lightspeed as "X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" online - much of our focus is on that dogfighting experience.

      IGNPC: We already know what land combat is like but what's the overall experience of flying like? Will there be more twitch-oriented approach to space combat?

      Haden Blackman: Yes, combat will be very "twitchy," relying on a player's skills as well as some abilities gained through exploring various skill trees.

      IGNPC: How do ships fit in to the game's current crafting system? Can players build their own ships? What sorts of customizations are possible?

      Haden Blackman: As with weapons, armor, speeder bikes, and virtually everything else in the game, starships will be built by players for other players. Players will be able to customize both the ship's outward appearance and its functionality. In some cases, a modification will do both: strapping on a new pair of engines to your X-wing might enhance its top speed and also change the look of the craft.

      IGNPC: What sorts of players will have access to ships? Can you give us a brief example of how a player gets a ship? Are there any special maintenance concerns?

      Haden Blackman: Again, just like nearly everything else in the game, starships will be built by players for other players. So, gaining a starship is simply a matter of earning enough credits to buy one from an in-game crafter, or finding a friend to build you one. We believe that an entire new market for artisans will open up, and the rate of player advancement through the ship-building profession will determine how many (and which types) of starships are available on any given server at any given time.

      In terms of supporting your space lifestyle, there will definitely be maintenance concerns, as ships used in combat will take significant damage that will need repairs. Ships will not, however, require regular maintenance to be paid like player owned dwellings do on land.

      IGNPC: Where do ships reside? Is there a special docking area on each planet? Some sort of sub-orbital hitching post? Do players actually take off and land manually or does the game just warp the player between the planet surface and the stars?

      Haden Blackman: Craft are stored on a player's datapad, similar to the storage of vehicles in the base game. Players deploy ships at Starports that currently serve as shuttle depots in the more populated cities.

      IGNPC: What types of ships are you including?

      Haden Blackman: We'll launch with over fifteen player-operable starships, with the greatest emphasis on starfighters. Players will be able to pilot canonical vehicles, including familiar X-wings and TIE fighters, as well as some newly-created "mercenary" craft. We also hope to have well-known capital ships from Star Wars lore in the game as NPC-controlled opponents that will be central to epic battles.

      IGNPC: It seems like the space expansion is a whole other game. Are you worried that the project is too ambitious or too different from what players are currently experiencing?

      Haden Blackman: We think that the project is just ambitious enough to set us apart from other MMO expansions. Battles and adventures in space are a huge component of the Star Wars experience, and Jump to Lightspeed completes the core immersive gameplay we've been aiming for since the launch of Star Wars Galaxies. In addition, Jump to Lightspeed will provide our dedicated fan base with new professions, new species, and other features that expand the game tremendously.

      IGNPC: How will it mesh with the basic game? Do you see them as separate experiences or will there be a lot of interaction between the current game mechanics and the new space-based sequences?

      Haden Blackman: Our goal is to fully integrate Jump to Lightspeed with the core ground game so that they are one, seamless experience. We envision a great deal of interaction between the two realms. As just an example, space is an unforgiving place to be and ships used in combat take significant damage. Players will need to return to planets often for ship maintenance and customization, to heal battle fatigue and to sell their loot from space.

      -- Steve Butts


      Wird wohl auch recht anders als Galaxies werden. Action-Basierter (trotzdem SKills usw.), ähnlich wie ein Ballerspiel à la Freelancer (?!).
      Fehlen nur noch richtige Raumbasen und Mon Cal Kreuzer, wobei beide ähnlich wie ein (bewegliches) FHQ sind, mit besetzbaren Türmen und einer Startrampe für die Schiffe, in dem man auch frei herum laufen und Spaß haben kann. Das wäre ein Schritt in Richtung Innovation der Extra-Klasse.

      Naja, aber Hoffnungen werden ja heutzutage viel zu oft enttäuscht, also verwerfe ich meine Gedanken lieber. :(
      Chi'ara sagt:
      Nur für Bohki.

      Naja, ein Shuttle hat einen etwas dickeren Antrieb als ein X-Wing und der Hyperraumflug gürfte daher schneller von statten gehen. Ausserdem ist man ja nicht in einem Kampfflugzeug, um von Naboo zu Endor auf Urlaubsreise zu fliegen. ^^

      Hmm, naja bei dem Zeitaspekt fällt mir noch eines ein: Leo hat ja schon Echt-Zeit-Shutteln (5min loading :D )...
      Chi'ara sagt:
      Nur für Bohki.

      Set in the Star Wars timeframe between Episode IV and Episode V, this first extension to the Star Wars Galaxies opens 10 vast and distinct space sectors, spanning from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim, for players to explore while engaging their opponents in intense real-time combat or uniting with friends in battle or exploration . Players can embark on more than 100 new missions, venturing through asteroid fields, nebulae and space junkyards while honing skills in four new space-specific professions. The game also features two new and completely customizable species.

      Starfighters and other starships will be featured in the expansion that can be used for both space exploration and combat, allowing players to join up with allies and fly familiar X-wings and TIE fighters into battle against faction-aligned opponents and AI-controlled ships. Transport ships similar to the well-known Millennium Falcon will also be added into the game, allowing players to venture through space with friends aboard .

      Two new and completely customizable species
      Four new space-specific professions
      Fly X-wings and TIE fighters into battle
      10 vast and distinct space sectors
      Intense real-time combat
      Embark on more than 100 new missions
      This is just a taste of things to come! Keep your eyes on for the latest news and updates as we continue to release more information about Jump to Lightspeed during this year’s E3 to be held in mid-May.


      1) What is Star Wars Galaxies®: Jump to Lightspeed?
      Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed is the first major addition to the popular Star Wars Galaxies massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). With the release of Jump to Lightspeed , players will be able to build and own starships, which can be used to travel the galaxy and engage in starfighter combat.

      2) Will I need Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided to play Jump to Lightspeed?

      3) What will combat be like in Jump to Lightspeed?
      In order to capture the frenetic feel of Star Wars® space battles, combat in Jump to Lightspeed is designed to be a fast-paced, real-time experience. Players will utilize "twitch" skills bolstered by special abilities gained through exploring RPG-style skill trees.

      4) How does Jump to Lightspeed integrate with Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided?
      Jump to Lightspeed integrates almost seamlessly with the ground game, An Empire Divided . Your ground character will be able to own a starship and learn new skills. The only significant difference is in the combat gameplay, which will focus much more on player skill ("twitch") than character skill ("RPG"), though a character's skills will still play an important role. Additionally, the content will be much more directed as players undertake more than 100 story-driven quests in order to advance.

      5) Which starships will be available in Jump to Lightspeed?
      While we're not ready to release the entire list yet, you can expect to pilot X-wings, Y-wings, TIE fighters, TIE interceptors, and many other recognizable starfighters. We'll also be adding a handful of "mercenary" craft, such as newly-created "Hutt fighters."

      6) Will I be able to fly the Millennium Falcon?
      We do plan to have multi-passenger ships in Jump to Lightspeed at launch, including a YT-1300 transport similar to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon .

      7) Will there be new species added to the game via Jump to Lightspeed?
      Yes, we will be adding two new playable species (details to come soon). We will also be adding a number of new alien species as NPCs.

      8) Will there be new areas to explore in Jump to Lightspeed?
      Yes, Jump to Lightspeed will add ten content-rich space zones for players to explore in their starships.

      9) Will Jump to Lightspeed introduce new professions?
      Yes, " Jump to Lightspeed " will introduce four new professions available to those players who purchase the expansion. We'll be releasing more information about these professions in the near future.

      10) How will Jump to Lightspeed impact the game's current economy?
      As with all over items in the game, starships will be manufactured by players for sale to other players. Jump to Lightspeed will also introduce several new types of loot, which can be used to repair and enhance starships and fund ground-based ventures. Finally, players will no longer be solely dependent upon the public shuttle system to travel between planets.

      11 ) Are there things I can do in-game now to prepare for the release of Jump to Lightspeed?
      Yes! Some Rebel and Imperial starships will likely be limited to players with specific ranks or a large number of faction points, so you can start earning faction points now. In addition, we're working on a new system that gives special space-specific perks to veteran players; more details about this will be coming soon.

      12) Will there be a beta for Jump to Lightspeed?
      Yes, we plan to rigorously test Jump to Lightspeed through both a private and public beta process, although the exact dates for these test periods have not been determined yet.

      13) How do I get into the Jump to Lightspeed beta?
      Details will be forthcoming, but preference will be given to players who attend Fan Fest and then to our veteran community (with special preference for those who regularly help us on Test Center ). Eventually we will let more people into the beta, including some people who have never played Star Wars Galaxies , but our first slots will be for our most avid supporters. Beta Testing is not just a reward though; we will be looking for serious-minded testers who can provide constructive feedback.

      14) When will Jump to Lightspeed release?
      We're targeting a Fall 2004 launch.

      15) How much will Jump to Lightspeed cost?
      We haven't finalized the retail cost of Jump to Lightspeed , but we expect it will be competitive with other expansions. You will not need to pay any additional monthly fees - Jump to Lightspeed enhances your Star Wars Galaxies experience at no extra monthly charge.

      Screenshots: starwarsgalaxies.station.son...ons_screens.jsp

      Video: starwarsgalaxies.station.son...ions_movies.jsp
      Sieht so aus Cria, aber wie soll mans auch anders machen? Zumindest bei der Perspektive. Alles andere würde eine Draufsicht erfordern und dann ein anklicken des Ziels, das wäre schauderhaft.
      Auf die Torheit! Auf den göttlichen Wahnsinn. Auf irrsinnige Unternehmungen und Erlöser, die aus der Wüste rufen. Auf den Tod der Tyrannen. Auf die Verwirrung unserer Feinde.

      Dan Simmons
      OMG! Ich fürchte mich jetzt schon vor den Raumschlachten :(

      Ich hab X-Wing, TIE-Fighter und auch X-Wing vs TIE-Fighter früher alle durchgezockt. Geniale Spiele seinerzeit.
      Ich hab dann mit XvsT sogar meine allerersten Online-Erfahrungen gesammelt. Und die waren erschütternd!
      Ich flieg auf die Feinde zu. Noch ausser Reichweite. Im nächsten Augenblick bin ich tot, kurz DANACH seh ich den Laserschuss, der mich eben grade tötete und die Feinde sind ein kleines Stückchen näher X(
      Stichwort LAG!!!11
      Wie man es anders machen würde - ist eine gute Frage. Bisher klingt es für mich so, als könne man genausogut ab einen bestimmten Zeitpunkt X-Wing starten und das online zocken.

      Ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen, dass mir das sogar ein wenig Spaß macht, aber ich hatte mir von einem MMORPG - wegen R - schon was anderes erwartet.... nur was? :)

      Rose, Bokhi nimmt dich an seine schuppige Hand und wir machen eine kleine Titanic-Szene, während uns eine Horde Twin-Ion-Engine-Fighter-Rul0r beschiesst. :)

      Ich kann mir RP im Weltall richtig gut vorstellen. Hyperraumsprung-mäßig kommt dann eine ganze Flotte angewarped und kontrolliert dein RP-ID :P
      Chi'ara sagt:
      Nur für Bohki.